
Wednesday 25 July 2012

Shinseido: A Life-Skill.

I am aware that some of our members don't really understand the nature of Shinseido.  Some members regard Shinseido as a kind of club you can attend from time to time as you feel like it, to pursue an interesting activity for a couple of hours, then go home and forget about it until the next time around.

Shinseido is a life-skill that takes a great deal of dedicated time to learn and understand.  It is not just a self-defence system; it is a way of living, a way of being, and a different mind-set.  You can’t just ‘do it’.  It is very difficult to learn and will take at least two years dedicated practice, training at least twice a week in the dojo, and with plenty of home practise 
to get the basics down with another eight years consistent practise before you even begin to perceive the real nature of the art – and that’s just the beginning. 

The ‘self-defence’ or ‘martial arts’ label is just a façade for something altogether deeper and more life changing.  You will end up living your art because you art contains all the principles and concepts required to lead a healthy, fulfilling and meaningful life.

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